Ghiorgo Zafiropulo Sculptor & Philosopher
Opus N°4 Attitude Classique - Hommage à Balanchine
Created in 1963, "Hommage à Balanchnine" is the first work of Ghiorgo Zafiropulo to present a dancer.
Born in 1904, Balanchine was his contemporary and had already had a long career when he was symbolically portrayed in "Attitude Classique". Of Russian origin, spiritual son of Marius Petipa, he emigrated to the United States in 1933 and in 1934 founded the American Ballet, a dance company in New York. A great choreographer and teacher, he created the "School of American Ballet" and a teaching method known as the "Balanchine Method" which is still in operation. His style is characterized by an "en dehors" pushed to the extrem and precise and vigorous dynamic movements. He aspires to a formal beauty and purity of line. These characteristics combined with the importance Balanchine accorded to the music are perfectly reflected in Ghiorgo's sculpture.
In 1965 he donated his first artist's cast numbered 1/6 to Balanchine for the school of American Ballet.

Balanchine, news clipping from G. Zafiropulo's personnal archives. Image may be subject to copyright.